Keyless Entry System Benefits

Are you a business owner or even a home owner that is curious as to how keyless entry might be beneficial? Many people are familiar today with keyless entry as it is becoming quite popular. You will often see keyless entry used in movies and television shows, but if you are paying attention in your day to day life, you will see that this is used in many places. You might have it at your apartment complex or condo building. Do you have to enter a passcode to get in? Have you ever had to use a key card to get into your hotel room, or into a theme park?

Why Should You Go Keyless?

Many people are curious about going keyless, but they fear the cost. Actually, it’s very affordable. You could pay under $50 – more like $30 for a security start remote for your car. You can find numerous options on sites like Amazon that are all under $100, too. Now that you see that you shouldn’t be completely put off by the potential price, let’s take a look at why it is a good idea to go keyless.

  1. Keyless provides further security.

    Keyless entry means that you don’t have to keep track of a key, but it also means that you can control who is getting into your property. Sure, a key can get stolen – but can a passcode for a building get stolen? Having keyless entry means that only authorized individuals can get in. And you won’t have to worry about anyone making a copy of your key, because you won’t have one!

  2. Keyless entry can prevent damage.

    How many times have you scratched up your car or your door by missing when you go to place the key in the lock? With keyless entry, you won’t be fumbling around with a key, so you can forget any property damage.

  3. Keyless lets you save money by avoiding rekeying locks.

    Keyless entry systems might seem pricier right off the bat, but think about what you might save. If you have an employee leave your company, you’re going to want to take your key back but you are also going to want to either replace your locks or have them rekeyed. Why? Because they could have made a copy of your key! Even if you trust that they didn’t do this, who is to say that no one else ever got their hands on the key for long enough to duplicate it? You can’t be too careful. Going keyless means avoiding having to rekey locks.

  4. Keyless systems are convenient.

    Are you tired of carrying around numerous keys? Let’s see – you probably have a key for home, a key for work, a key for the gym, a key for your mailbox depending on where you live, and so on. All of this added weight can end up damaging your car’s ignition cylinder. And having all of these keys means the potential for one to get lost. Therefore, having a keyless entry system can be far more convenient for you.

  5. Keyless entry lets you keep track of your associates.

    Do you have a room at your company’s building that stores dangerous chemicals? What about high-end items? You might want to limit access to these rooms, and if you’re serious, you should look into keyless entry. Keyless entry systems help you to keep track of certain individuals. Just hired a newbie? Make sure they are staying out of rooms they aren’t supposed to be in.

  6. Keyless entry can keep you safer.

    If you’re paying attention to your surroundings and notice someone following you in a parking lot, you’re going to want to get into your vehicle, or somewhere safe, fast. What you don’t want to do is stand there fumbling for your car key and nervously trying to insert it into your car door’s lock. Thanks to keyless entry, you can unlock your car door even from several feet away. This could allow you to avoid a dangerous situation.

Keyless Entry: Innovative Technology

Keyless entry systems offer innovative technology. If you are looking to leave your property even more secure, then keyless entry might be the way to go. Remember, if you go keyless, you won’t have to stress about the thought of a key being copied and used for forced entry. You don’t have to stress about your system being compromised, because it is very difficult to do. You have many different options available, and it is worth it to do a search for systems that fit within your budget.

Would you like more information on keyless entry? If you want more details as to why we recommend it, call up our local company. And if you aren’t local to Lakeville, be sure to search for a locksmith in your location. Go keyless if you want better property protection. At the very least, take a few moments of your time to learn more about keyless entry systems. You just might be impressed with what you find out. From Kaba access control to Schlage’s touchscreen entry set, you have so many different brand names to choose from if you are looking into keyless entry, touchscreen entry, push button entry – whatever you might want to call it. Remember to call your local lock and security provider if you have any questions. Hopefully now you have a better understanding of the benefits of keyless entry systems!

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